Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

When the boys were little we traveled a lot and for long distances! This was the time before flatscreens in cars so we resorted to audio media to keep us entertained.

It was during a trip to Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs in 1998 when we discovered Adventures in Odessy. The boys, with a little help from us, participated in a scavenger hunt at the Focus Welcome Center and for completing it their prize was an Adventures in Odessy audio tape. It consisted on 2 stories and for our 8-hour trip home, it's all we listened to. I'll never forget those stories, the boys were 2 and 4 at the time.
These tapes/CD's slowly inched their way into our everyday lives. At night before bed the boys pick out an adventure to listen to. They range from Bible adventures to character building adventures, history of holidays to adventures in relationships. We've learned a bunch over the years through Adventures in Odessy and we've gotten attached to the characters as if they were our friends.

You can purchase them online here, or at your local Christian book store. I think the recommended age is age 8 and up but my boys were interested well before age 8. Audio tapes help build imagination and engage the mind, Adventures in Odessy do this and encourage children to seek God, act on their faith and serve others. I even counted them as part of their homeschool- character building. Check some out!

~It works for me!

Head over to the main Works for Me Wednesday site for more ideas.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

True or False

I know I'm supposed to do this on Mondays, but I'm a few days off. Sorry! :)

"Self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success." True or False? I'll leave the answer up to the reader. I can tell you this: Our very lack is an opportunity to latch onto the Lord in unashamed dependence. Think about it, when we start our day with inadequate resources, (time, energy, money...) it forces us to live in the present moment. This is where we were meant to live! Awareness of our inadequacy is a rich blessing, training us to rely wholeheartedly on the Lord. Again, we know that health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. I'll leave you with two verses to ponder before you answer my true or false quiz:

Cor 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Lesson from Lydia

On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there. One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message. When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home.
"If you consider me a believer in the Lord," she said, "come and stay at my house." And she persuaded us. Acts 16:13-15 (TNIV)

In my Bible study this week we looked at the conversion of Lydia by Paul in the city of Philipi. First of all I really like to read about Paul, he was one of the first missionaries, if not the first, and has such cool stories. In this section of scripture I found a few things interesting; the first couple deal with Paul, the next few with Lydia.

With Paul:
Place of prayer.
I saw that when Paul arrived in Philipi he woke up and headed out to find a "place of prayer." Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 that His house would be a "house of prayer." Seems to me like Paul woke up on Sunday morning, stretched, looked around and headed out for a prayer service. I wonder what it is we wake up on Sunday mornings looking for.

Paul was a missionary
Some of us have been sent to share the gospel in our workplace, some in our own town, but others, like Paul, have been sent to places across the waters. My mind immediately goes to the missionaries our church is partnered with in the country of Senegal. They, just like Paul, rely on other believers to pray for them, to support them and to give to them a place to lay their head and a platform to share the good news while in the area. I wonder how often we as Americans think beyond our borders, how often we lift up those sent "to the ends of the earth" in prayer. Prayer works, read about a cool missionary prayer story here.

With Lydia:
Lydia was a seeker.
Did you catch it? Lydia and her girlfriends were hanging out looking for a place of prayer as well; or perhaps they knew where to go in this town to hear the Good News. Either way they were seeking it out. God's Word says "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." (emphasis mine) Proverbs 8:17

Lydia was a women of action.
The Lord opened her heart to respond to the message of Jesus. She immediately shared with her family who responded and then they were all baptised. Next Lydia, this beautiful servant of our Lord, went right on ahead and invited everyone over for dinner and a sleepover. She wasted no time, she was a women of action.

Lydia was in a small group.
I also found it interesting that she said "if you [Paul] consider me a believer in the Lord come and stay at my house." As if to say "I'm a believer, your a believer we are to fellowship together. It's what we do." I bet Lydia hosted small groups wherever she was. She understood the importance of community.

Lydia was a servant.
She also understood the responsibility to serve others. In one of my favorite Bible stories Paul and Silas were let out of jail after a crazy earthquake freed them from their chains, only actually they stayed in jail and shared the Good News to everyone there. (read about it here it's worth it) When they were freed from jail, legally, they went to Lydia's house where believers were gathered. She served others by opening her home.
What a wonder example of a women after God's own heart.

Questions to ask yourself?

think back about Paul:
What do you look forward to each Sunday morning?
Pray and ask God to help you develop a desire for prayer time with Him.
How often do you think of and prayer for our missionaries? Is there anything else you can do to support them in their service to the Lord?
Pray and ask God what you could do an ocean away to bless those sent to Senegal.

think about Lydia:
Are you a seeker? How are you actively seeking God?
Are you a women of action? What Biblical action are you putting into practice today?
Are you in a small group?
How are you serving Christ?
How are you serving others in Christ's name?

I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse into the life of Paul and Lydia, a women who truly "got it". My prayer for each of you is that you would "get it", that you would be that light of the world, sitting on a stand for all to see (Matt 5:13-15)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday

Welcome to EAC Women's first ever participation in "Works for Me Wednesday"!

Each week we will showcase an idea or tip that works for us, and link our site to the main WFMW over at Rocks in My Dryer.

Recently at my Thursday night women's group some ladies were talking about sharing ideas with one another. You know ideas that make life easier, or save money, or tips on parenting and home life; after all if it takes a village to raise a child, then I think the village better start talkin' and sharin' in one anothers lives! Fits into our theme verse here at this blog:
"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Hebrews 3:13

That Thursday night one of the ladies said,"Did you know that if you take your Chick-fil-A children's toy back to them unwrapped you can get a free child's ice cream! Isn't that exciting!"

Since I have a friend who works at Chick-fil-A I asked her and sure enough if you take an unopened Kids Meal toy back to them you can get a FREE child's ice cream, cone or dish.

This is a great simple way to save money, to recycle and keep the clutter out of your car and home plus get a FREE treat for your little one. This is a great tip! Thanks!

~It works for me!
Head over to the main Works for Me Wednesday site for more ideas.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy
A Study of the Book of Daniel
Thursday Nights
Education Building, Room 103b
May 15th-August 7th
(with break June 26)
cost $15
*childcare provided
Contact Michelle at 427-3056
or Katie at 428-3274

Here is what Lifeway says about this study:
Join Beth Moore in a faith-building study of prophecy, and learn how to shine for Christ in our modern culture. Just as the prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures—to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats—today's believers face many of the same trials.
This 12-session study, unique from Beth's previous Bible studies, falls in two parts and can be used as one or two studies. The first portion, from Daniel chapters 1-6, deals with Daniel's life as he faced the kind of pressures and temptations Christians encounter today. Daniel models how to develop enduring integrity in an enticing world. The second portion, chapters 7-12, explores thrillling prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Christ.
Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy shows how individuals can live with integrity in today's self-absorbed society. Boldly live in our modern-day Babyon without falling prey to its allure.

*childcare is a suggested donation of $2 per child, or free if need be, we just want you to come!

Monday, April 14, 2008


The Lord has joy for each and every one of us! He longs for us to have joy, overflowing! Ladies, do not let the enemy rob you of that precious joy! I know that life can get complicated and overwhelming. I know that we live in a dying world, one full of loneliness, fear and sin.

Psalm 16:11 says "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

You know what I find interesting about studying joy. If you look up joy in the Bible, you will see that most of the references to joy have these actions in front of them: SHOUT for joy, SING for joy! Interesting huh?

So here is what I think - when we need a little joy - Shout for it! Sing for it! In the name of Jesus, dance around your home and sing and shout for joy! I know one thing is for sure - Satan will run like crazy & I'm pretty sure if you try this - you'll be filled up with joy in no time! What are you waiting for?!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Blessing of a Purse

If you'd like to help bless someone in need with a fashionable, practical gift here's what you can do:
1. Get a purse, purchase a new one or recycle one of your own (good, clean condition please)
2. Fill it with toiletries, soap, shampoo, razors, make-up, whatever you wish. I would suggest including some femine products!
3. Bring it to the Thursday night women's group or drop it at the church office with a note for Michelle before the end of May.

Purses will be donated through local food banks and homeless ministries.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiet Confidence

I'm so excited to share a little something today. I love to read. From time to time I may give a little author recommendation or book review. I'm not doing that today, I'm just giving a fair warning. Today I wanted to share something that hit me during my morning devotions. (it's 7:34am right now)! I have this little book called Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. I don't feel as though I can say she is one of my favorite authors, only because this is the only book I've ever read by her. However, I love this book and it is the 2nd year I'm going through it as a boost to my devotions.

Today I read a little excerpt that reminded me of a time when I was overseeing Bagel's & Blessings (a division of our Women's Ministry in my church from NJ). I had invited a panel of men from our church to share what they thought a Godly Woman represented (like the Proverbs 31 woman for example). I remember one man saying that one quality he was sure would be in a Godly Woman is quiet confidence. I remember thinking "What?", but of course didn't want to say anything. So, I waited until later that night (this was my best friend's husband who said this - also happened to be the Pastor of our church) I asked him what he meant. "Confident but not boastful, you know, knowing where your confidence comes from." 1 Cor 4:7
"For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?"

Anyway, I am going to share with you what my devotional read today. I hope that you are as blessed as I was.

"Let Me fill you with my Love, Joy, and Peace. These are Glory-gifts, flowing from my living Presence. Though you are an earthen vessel, I designed you to be filled with heavenly contents. Your weakness is not a deterrent to being filled with My Spirit; on the contrary, it provides an opportunity for My Power to shine forth more brightly.

As you go through this day, trust Me to provide the strength that you need moment by moment. Don't waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today's journey. My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring. That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength."

Be blessed as you go about your day confidently knowing where your strength comes from!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Upcoming Event: April 18-19

Check out the conference website to find out more on this extraodinary event!

Have Something to Contribute?

If you know of an upcoming event that would encourage and strengthen your sisters in Christ we'd love to know.
Drop us an e-mail or leave a comment and we'll get it up on the blog as soon as we can.

Attention Small groups!!
We'd love to share what your small group is studying so others can be encouraged or have the opportunity to join you. Please e-mail or comment with the info.